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Tuesday, October 23, 2007

RPG #14: Lethal RPG Review

The Lethal RPG series is easily the most prolific RPG series in Flash, with 10 games released by creator Ben Spyda over the two years. In chronological order, they are:

Lethal RPG Battle
Lethal RPG Adventure
Lethal RPG War
Lethal RPG War 2
Lethal RPG Conqueror
Lethal RPG Destiny
Lethal RPG Destiny: Maximum Revenge
Lethal RPG Universe: Lost Sweeper
Lethal RPG Universe 2: Resurrection (Note: there is an earlier version of this release titled Domination--same game, fewer features)
Lethal RPG Universe 3: Darkness Reborn

These games are pretty simplistic for the most part, consisting almost entirely of turn-based one-on-one battles and little else. However, for folks that enjoy the grind of endless, mind-numbing combat and leveling without the bother of distractions like character, plot, or even simple exploration, these games are just about all you could ask for.

At least, that's true of the first six or so games in the series. Things have gradually improved, however. Starting with the second-to-last version, Lethal RPG Universe: Lost Sweeper, the games have included a hit gauge in combat that allows you to string together up to three attacks in a turn. This adds some element of skill to the battles and makes them substantially more interesting. Lost Sweeper, Resurrection, and Darkness Reborn also include a top-down exploration mode that gives the whole affair more of a sense of adventure, though you can expect to be randomly attacked quite a bit while walking around like this.

In conclusion, the Lethal RPG series is lacking in many areas, but if you want to give it a try, try out the last three entries in the series. I wouldn't bother with anything earlier than that.

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