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Friday, September 21, 2007

RPG #7: Murloc RPG Review

Murloc RPG is a very professional-looking, though ultimately rather tedious RPG that has gained some notoriety in the flash gaming world. You play as a murloc, a sort of giant, colorful frog with nasty-looking spines on its back and weird vocalizations. The game is extremely linear, and every single quest seems to be a protracted fetch quest (e.g. "fetch me 10 crab cakes") involving dull one-on-one combat with a series of nearly identical enemies.

Murlocs are from the online RPG World of Warcraft. In fact, just about everything in Murloc RPG comes from World of Warcraft, including the graphics and the GUI. They are so nice-looking because they were actually made by Blizzard, and the maker of Murloc RPG simply used them for a spin-off game. Granted, he did a very nice job of turning everything into sprites, but he certainly deserves less credit than if he had modeled and rendered the in-game graphics himself. He's also quite lucky that Blizzard decided to view his game as an effort that promotes their universe, rather than as a competing product that infringes on their copyrights.

Despite the fact that I find Murloc RPG to be intolerably boring, it remains an extremely popular game, so I'm quite sure that nothing I say here will convince you to play some other game with better gameplay.

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